George Soros - currency speculator, stock investor, businessman, philanthropist, and political activist

Sunday, February 14, 2010

(Pictured: George Soros)

Most recently the focus for myself has been around stock and share markets leading me towards many financial credible individuals, sourcing out information from the worlds most popular financial information hub Bloomberg in a documentary this morning an interview conducted on Mr Soros revealed trends, reasons and future of the global financial markets. Many consider Mr Soros as the worlds leading financial advisor providing speculations to Federal Reserve Bank Chairmen's, Presidents of Countries and other influential monetary controlling personnel.

Born in the 1930's this Hungarian could be considered one of the worlds most powerful men known to have taken on himself the campaign to defeat U.S. President George W Bush's re-election campaign in 2004. His NET WORTH is $13 Billion according to sources at Forbes

Along with several published books, lectures at universities and several financial and economic summit Mr George Soros is leading the global panel on education and change.

For more information on this very successful Entrepreneur, Currency trader, investor, philosopher, philanthropist and political activist visit his website



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