Who is Frank Lowy?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

(In this picture: Billionaire Frank Lowy - Co-founder of the Westfield Group)

I've heard the name being tossed around in the Media but until reading today's breaking news on the BRW website I was unaware he was the mogul behind the Westfield Group.

Feeling both impressed and slightly silly for not knowing such an enterprising businessman and the massive success he's achieved over his life.

In the article link below you will find how he's positioned as Australia's richest man beating media giant James Packer with a net worth of $5.04 Billion dollars.

(Story courtesy of Bloomberg)


Google TV

Sunday, May 23, 2010

(In this picture: Google logo)

This next post will probably re-define of our present reality. Google are known to be one of the most innovative and forward thinking companies on the planet. Everyday they challenge conventional thinking and change the way we experience our lives. Their newest addition to their continually growing catalogue of products and services will transform the way we view and enjoy our idiot box.

Now that Google's golden hands have touched it no longer will it be known as the idiot box Television will be revolutionised into the smart box of the future.




Insider Information On The U.S Property Market

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Casa Son Vida - Mallorca, Spain - Photo credit The cool Hunter

You have probably heard quite a lot lately about the US property market. You may have heard how thousands of properties are being sold at well under value low prices (you can buy properties for less than the price of a car!), and you may have heard that a lot of people are making money doing this. But, you might be left wondering - how can you get involved, and where do you even start!?

Well now you can find out exactly how you can get involved in in the US property market and create large profits for yourself too. A good friend and student of mine, who I have been working very closely with, has actually done this. She has bought properties in the states, she has been over there, researched it from every angle and found out exactly what to do, how to do it right and most of all HOW TO MAKE BIG MONEY doing it! Salena Kulkarni is an Accountant and Property Investor and she will be sharing her expertise on the US market, answering all your questions, talking about the opportunities, the risk and the upside and helping you understand exactly what and where the opportunity is.

If you want to come along to these exclusive information sessions.



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Hi my name is Leon, The aim of BFRESH Academy is to share information from revolutionary thinkers, cutting edge strategies and ideas worth sharing! We are also here to help you find helpful information and steer you in the right direction so you can find interesting new products and services that will help you on your journey to success. We appreciate likeminded individuals who believe they can make a difference in this world sharing our ideas with others who are similar.

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