Saturday, December 5, 2009

There should be no age limits placed upon ambition, alertness, creativeness, or in fact on anything that may mark the mental or spiritual progress of any human being...There is an old saying, nothing ventured nothing gained. Obviously true, but on the other hand, even though many of our ventures come to no profitable end, the very fact that we ventured should be to our credit. People who stand still, or just watch from the sidelines of life, only partly live. To venture, and only to get fun out of it, has a constructive angle to it, Keep venturing and you’ll never grow dull!

George Matthew Adams


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Hi my name is Leon, The aim of BFRESH Academy is to share information from revolutionary thinkers, cutting edge strategies and ideas worth sharing! We are also here to help you find helpful information and steer you in the right direction so you can find interesting new products and services that will help you on your journey to success. We appreciate likeminded individuals who believe they can make a difference in this world sharing our ideas with others who are similar.

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